About Me

Thank you for visiting apageoutofherbook.com! My name is Rebekah, and I am a young Christian woman currently working at the North Pole Branch Library in Alaska.

I started out working as a Page (extra fitting for a library, and also part of the inspiration for the name of this blog) and now have the blessing of working as a Library Assistant. I love the balance between routine and new possibilities that take place every day at a library—many of the book covers become familiar friends, while at the same time I’m always finding new (or well worn) ones I never noticed before. On any given day I might sign someone up for a library card, plan a children’s program, or create colorful flyers…

I enjoy many things besides books, including but not limited to: painting with oils or watercolor, cuddling with the bunnies I raise with my mom on our farm, wrangling cute babies in our church’s nursery, peonies, family time, and writing old-fashioned snail mail! You can learn more about what I believe and the purpose for this blog by navigating the menu bar and exploring.

If you’d like to contact me, you can send me a letter at:

Rebekah Howard
343 Archives Alley
Fairbanks, Alaska 99712

Or use the form below to email me: